Adult Learning Styles: Understanding the Four Different Types

09 Jun, 2023 in Training Techniques

Adult learners have diverse preferences and methods of learning. There are four main learning styles that people can have, and it's crucial to recognize that not everyone learns in the same way. These learning styles greatly affect how well individuals understand and retain information.

There are four main learning styles: Rationals, Guardians, Idealists, and Artisans. Let's explore each of these styles and what they involve.

The origin of the four learning styles can be traced back to the work of psychologist David Keirsey, who described each personality type in his book, 'Please Understand Me.' His work was later developed by Gail McMeekin and Marilyn Koop into a cognitive theory called the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, which assigns each person to one of the four learning styles depending on their personality type.

These four learning styles can also be applied to adult learning in general, and are especially useful for law enforcement training. By understanding the different learning styles, trainers can tailor their approach and instruction to an individual's needs. For example, Guardians might respond better to instruction that is structured and organized, while Artisans might require a more hands-on approach.

The four learning styles can be used in a variety of ways during law enforcement training. Different learning styles can help trainers understand how to connect with each individual, as well as identify how to deliver the best instruction. Through this understanding, law enforcement officers can be trained more effectively and efficiently.


Rationals are people who have a preference for lectures, handouts, expert opinions, data analysis, and logical reasoning. They are interested in obtaining facts, theories, and case studies. Rationals tend to require convincing and enjoy questioning and testing ideas. They process information in a linear and cognitive manner, meaning that they engage in debate and think extensively. Presentations targeting rationals must make sense and follow logical reasoning. They are analytical thinkers and enjoy solving problems using critical thinking skills.

To effectively teach Rationals, ensure that you present them with organized and factual information, which they can critically examine. Avoid ambiguity and provide ample evidence and statistics to back up your positions.


Guardians have a preference for practical activities, rules and regulations, past experiences, hands-on learning, structured environments, and tangible outcomes. These individuals are often found in professions such as law enforcement or the military. Guardians tend to be concrete thinkers who are very dependable and reliable. They are motivated by orderliness and traditional values and prefer to strive for correctness rather than creativity.

To teach Guardians effectively, make sure to give them straightforward instructions and goals. Create a structured learning environment and offer examples of what would define achievement in a specific task. Emphasize the practical application of information instead of theoretical ideas.


Idealists are creative and intuitive thinkers who enjoy exploring ideas, theories, relationships, and possibilities. They tend to be imaginative and compassionate individuals who prefer to discuss abstract concepts rather than concrete facts. Idealists are often found in the teaching profession as they strongly believe in the importance of developing strong relationships with their students.

In order to teach Idealists effectively, it's crucial to foster an environment that promotes trust and understanding. Encourage them to express their ideas freely and to explore alternative perspectives. Provide sufficient time for in-depth discussions that examine how different concepts can be put into practice in both theoretical and real-life situations.


Artisans have a preference for hands-on activities, experimentation, problem solving, creativity, teamwork, risk taking, and tangible outcomes. These individuals are often found in professions such as engineering or artists, and tend to be highly skilled in the performance of a particular task. Artisans are motivated by the joy that comes from producing something worthwhile and tangible.

In order to teach Artisans well, it's essential to emphasize project-based learning activities that enable them to apply their skills. Encourage them to explore new ideas and methods while offering assistance if needed. Foster open collaboration among team members and offer frequent feedback on their advancement.

For Law Enforcement Training, all four learning styles offer great advantages. It is important to take into consideration the needs of different learners when designing an effective training program. By understanding these distinct learning styles, trainers can better design and implement programs that will be beneficial for everyone involved.