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Webb CISD and Texas DPS: A Partnership Elevating Law Enforcement Training

03 Sep, 2023 in Community Relations

DPS instructors demonstrating ALERRT techniques

TXDPS instructors demonstrating ALERRT techniques at the Bruni School Campus.

Webb Consolidated Independent School District (CISD) has recently embarked on a remarkable collaboration with the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS), an initiative aimed at enhancing law enforcement education and training in the region. This progressive joint effort portrays how agencies and organizations can work synergistically towards common interests and accomplish remarkable feats through cooperation.
Webb CISD has generously offered their facilities and resources to host training sessions led by Texas DPS. This gracious gesture not only enhances the quality of law enforcement education in the area but also demonstrates the power of collaboration in achieving shared objectives.
The remote location of Webb CISD presents a unique advantage. It allows for the attendance of deputies from two neighboring counties, Webb and Jim Hogg, amplifying the impact of this initiative. The ability to reach a larger audience is crucial in ensuring the widespread and effective implementation of advanced training methods, thereby increasing the overall efficiency of law enforcement agencies in these counties.
Central to this successful collaboration is the utilization of tools like American Police Training. These resources bridge the gap between agencies and organizations, facilitating smooth coordination and cooperation for the execution of these training sessions. This collaboration also owes a significant part of its success to the efforts of Trooper Andres Nava. Serving as the Laredo District Training Coordinator for Texas DPS, Trooper Nava has been instrumental in organizing and overseeing the training sessions conducted at Webb CISD.

Collaborations Are Key

The partnership between Webb CISD and Texas DPS is a glowing testament to what can be achieved when agencies and organizations work together. This collaboration is not only enhancing the quality of law enforcement training in the area but is also setting a fine example for other regions to follow. It’s a testament to the idea that when we work together, we can achieve greater things.
The cooperation between Webb CISD and Texas DPS has been an integral part of the development of law enforcement in the area, and it will continue to be a beacon for future collaboration initiatives. By partnering with other agencies and organizations, we can further our collective goals and improve the standards of safety throughout Texas.

Training At Webb CISD Facilities

Trooper Gerardo Arredondo teaching a course on RADAR

Trooper Gerardo Arredondo teaching a course on RADAR to a class of State Troopers and Deputies from Webb County.

The Department of Public Safety (DPS) has been consistently utilizing Webb CISD facilities to host a range of critically important training sessions. Among these trainings, the Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) Level 1 is noteworthy for its focus on preparing officers for rapid response to active threat situations. Similarly, the Active Attack Integrated Response (AAIR) training provides officers with essential skills in working with Fire and EMS in active threat situations.

Furthermore, the RADAR and TASER training sessions equip law enforcement officers with crucial practical knowledge on speed detection and less-lethal options for suspect apprehension, respectively. The Tire Deflation Devices training prepares officers to safely and effectively handle high-speed pursuits, contributing to the safety of both the officers and the general public. Last but not least, the Standard Field Sobriety Test (SFST) Refresher course ensures officers are up-to-date with procedures for identifying and handling impaired drivers.

In addition to the aforementioned trainings, DPS has also taken significant steps to address the critical issue of mental health in law enforcement contexts. Recognizing the growing need for specialized skills in crisis intervention, DPS conducted a 40-hour Crisis Intervention Training. This comprehensive program is designed to equip local law enforcement officers with the necessary knowledge and techniques to effectively respond to mental health crises. The training covers various aspects, ranging from identification and understanding of mental health issues to de-escalation techniques and appropriate referral to mental health services. This proactive initiative underscores DPS's commitment to fostering a community-centric, empathetic, and effective approach in law enforcement.

Through these diverse training sessions, DPS continues to elevate the standards of law enforcement, reinforcing its commitment to public safety in Texas. The Webb CISD facilities serve as an ideal venue for such trainings, further highlighting the significance of inter-agency collaboration in enhancing law enforcement capabilities.

Join The Effort And Make The Difference

Together we can make strong progress towards a safer tomorrow. By joining forces and pooling our resources, we can reach greater heights in law enforcement training quality and effectiveness. Hopefully, this partnership will serve as an example of what is possible when organizations come together to achieve a common goal.

The collaboration between Webb CISD and Texas DPS demonstrates that success takes teamwork. Only by working together can we hope to improve the safety and security of the societies we serve. Together, let’s make sure that our communities are as safe and secure as possible.

We invite other agencies and organizations to similar join partnerships in pursuit of improved safety standards for American communities. Let’s work together to ensure that our law enforcement officers have access to the resources they need to continue protecting our citizens. Together, we can make a difference!